Install Minecraft Mod Toolchains Like Forge Without Installing Java

I don’t yearn for the days where Java was required software on every computer. So, imagine my dismay when it was suggested that I install Java just to install tools like Forge or Fabric for Minecraft. Fear not, as there’s an easy way out of this mess. Minecraft comes with a Java Runtime built-in, which you can use to run Forge or Fabric’s JAR installers. It’s located in the Minecraft Launcher’s install directory under runtime -> java-runtime-beta -> windows-x64 -> java-runtime-beta -> bin -> java.exe. Simply open a PowerShell terminal in this directory and run

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HEIC I Hardly Knew Ye

I’d be amiss if I told you I knew exactly how the HEIC image format worked. It’s higher quality with a smaller file size or something, but I digress. I’m sure it has its benefits, but for me, your average guy who just sends you a picture of his dog every now and then, I don’t really see them. I’m also not a guy who gets pedantic about what file format he stores his dog pictures in; I don’t think about it. And that’s where HEIC crossed me: it made me think about it.

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Domain and Registrar Security

If you’re like me, and you get a rush of dopamine anytime you register a domain for, “a totally real and awesome webapp I’m definitely going to make someday” you might have a bunch of domains sitting around doing nothing. If you’re not like me, and you actually get things done, you might have an actually important domain name registered for you’re totally awesome web app. If this is the case, you probably want to make sure it’s secure.

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